Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Coconut Oil & 20 Great Uses

Coconut oil is great for the body as well for many other uses. It has been scrutinized by health enthusiasts because of it's high saturated fat content, but don't let it scare you. Coconut oils fats are medium chain fatty acids and they actually get used as a fuel source and not stored as fat like most people think.

Add it to your diet to:
-Raise good cholesterol
-Balance blood sugar
-Boost energy levels
-Benefit from its antiviral & antimicrobial properties
-Aid in absorbing vitamins & minerals

I would recommend getting the oil in it's most raw form. Look out for labels such as "extra virgin" or "cold pressed." These will be the least processed and most beneficial :) Also, just know that at room temperature coconut oil becomes a solid, and then liquifies once heated.

I love coconut oil for all of it's amazing benefits. Read below for 20 different ways to use and incorporate it into every day of your life!

20 Great Uses for Coconut Oil 
1. Acne - this oil fights the bacteria that causes acne. Just dab it on your pimples and they will shrink!
2. Face Scrub - mix the oil with baking soda, raw sugar, cinnamon and oatmeal for an exfoliating face scrub!
3. Dandruff - massage it into the scalp to ease dandruff itching and flaking
4. Sore Throat - dissolve a spoonful and let it roll down your throat to coat and protect it. It also boosts the health of the mucus and will help fight the infection
5. Gum Removal - coconut oil gets sticky stuff out of your hair, the carpet, or anywhere else! Better than goo gone as well
6. Polish Furniture - this oil will get a protective shine to your wood furniture. Make sure you test it first though and like the outcome
7. Deodorant - mix the oil with cornstarch, baking soda, and some essential oils for a natural deoderant that smells amazing!
8. Sunburn - the oil will help prevent short exposure sunburns. It can also help to speed up the healing process. Wait until the heat has dissipated (about 24-72 hours) before applying
9. Cooking - this oil doesn't form harmful by-products when it is heated to high temperatures (like most oils and animal fats). It is also healthier for you!
10. Lip Balm - coconut oil hydrates an will protect your lips. It even has some sun protection with an SPF of about 4
11. Earaches - it can be used for swimmer's ear, ear infections, and earaches. Just put a few drops in mixed with garlic oil for fast relief
12. Cold Sore - since coconut oil has antiviral properties, it helps rid the body of the virus that causes cold sores. Rub it on when needed and add some oregano oil to speed up the healing
13. Lubricant - it makes a great all-natural personal lubricant for all those intimate moments when you don't want to use the chemical stuff
14. Bruises - rubbing this amazing oil into your bruised skin will help to speed up the healing process
15. Wrinkles - rub it into the lines and creases of your wrinkles to rehydrate your skin and soften wrinkles
16. Shaving Cream - use coconut oil to help your razor glide smoothly and it will leave your skin silky smooth and soft
17. Toothpaste - mix 1 part coconut oil with 1 part baking soda and add a couple drops of peppermint oil for a fluoride-free all natural toothpaste!
18. Makeup Remover - coconut oil removes oil-based makeups with ease. It will also make your skin glow
19. Acid Reflux - take a small spoonful with your meals and it will keep your acid reflux and heartburn down
20. Conditioner - coconut oil strengthens, conditions, and repairs your hair. Massage it in and leave it in for 10 minutes, then rinse it out before your shower

This post is written by Michael
Adapted from:
Sun Warrior
Coconut Image

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