Saturday, June 29, 2013

Go Green! Cleaning Recipes

Michael and I recently got ourselves a little baby bird and strong cleaning fumes are extremely harmful for their poor little respiratory systems. I could only imagine what it does to them! But what could it do to us? Because of this, we have decided to transition into a more green and sustainable lifestyle, starting with our cleaning products. Below are recipes for an all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and a bar that will suck the stink from your trash!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Healing Wounds: The Natural Way

There are many easy to use home remedies that can help in times of need when you accidentally injure, cut yourself, or need some healing. You may not always have access to the items I am going to post, but it is good to know just in case. It is also good to have some of these items in a first aid kit just in case. Plants and herbs have been used to heal people for thousands of years, but recently we have turned towards man made chemical products to help out. I am not trying to say that they aren't effective, but if there is a natural way, it is always better for you and your body overall. Try these natural remedies out these simple remedies and see how they work for you ;)

Aloe vera gel - use on cuts, wounds and scrapes of all kinds. very soothing! can also be mixed with water and used internally to cleanse

Essential oils - lavender, chamomile, and tea trea oils are highly effective and are good for burns, cuts, and any rashes you may have. Make sure you buy 100% essential oil to make sure no chemicals are used and that it isn't diluted!

Witch hazel - perfect for sunburns, or as an aftershave! Has a very soothing scent :)

Cayenne pepper - powdered cayenne can stop bleeding if you dust your wound with it. Just don't eat too much, because it is very spicy

Honey - great for treating burns, but also wonderful for...

  • Amputations
  • Bedsores
  • Leg ulcers (diabetic foot and leg ulcers, varicose ulcers, leprosy ulcers, sickle cell ulcers, et cetera.)
  • Malignant ulcers
  • Fistulas
  • Cracked nipples
  • Surgical wounds
  • Gunshot and trauma-induced wounds, including those to the skull and abdomen
  • Cuts, abrasions, and puncture wounds

  • Black Pepper - effective at stopping bleeding

    Apple Cider Vinegar - great for cleaning all wounds. good to combine with honey and cayenne pepper as well

    Echinacea - helps to speed up the healing of wounds

    Marigold - great stimulator for producing new tissue and helping progress healing

    This post is written by Michael.
    Adapted from: 

    Annies Remedy
    Honey Remedies

    Saturday, June 8, 2013

    Feng Shui: A Short Introduction

    I have been interested in Feng Shui recently in order to create a positively energized living area. I have read articles, books, and looked at many pictures. If you are interested in creating a house with balanced energies, keep reading! Feng Shui has been around for over 3,000 years and originated from China. It literally means wind water for both wind and water is needed for a long and healthy life.

    What you need:
    • Your house or room you want to work on
    • a compass (if you have a smart phone, you can get a free app. You can also find a boyscout!)
    • a bagua (A bagua is the energy map shaped like an octagon. Above is a simpler map I have found that can be used as the bagua)
    First, create a list of all the activities you do with your family (or whoever lives there). If possible, each room will be the main focus of those activities. If not, create defining boundaries. For example, the bedroom is sleeping. If you need a TV in the bedroom, enclose it or put a cloth over it. 

    Second, use the bagua to help you with each part of the room. For example, the far right corner of your room is the love corner which can have more of the Earth element than any other element.

    The Elements
    Water Element
    • use the colors blue and black
    • use see through glass, windows, or vases
    • use wavy and flowing shapes or fabric patterns
    • include the following items in this area: fountains, fish tanks, faucets, toilets, sinks, tubs, and paintings or pictures with water scenes (like beaches or lakes) 
    • to enhance, also increase the use of water's parent element: metal
    Wood Element
    • use the color green
    • use rectangular shapes for furniture (bookcases, picture frames, pillows)
    • use striped patterns for fabric
    • incorporate plants or nature scenes
    •  include the following items in this area: wood furniture, paper products (books and magazines)
    • to enhance, also increase the use of wood's parent element: water
    Fire Element
    • use the color red (any shade, coral, dusty red, brick, burgandy) 
    • use triangular shapes or things in threes (like picture frames or candles)
    • use things that incorporate fire: stoves, fireplace, candles
    • include images that invoke strong feelings of intamacy
    • to enhance, also increase the use of Fire's parent element: wood
    Earth Element
    • use earth tones and the color yellow
    • use square shapes (coffee table, pillows, checkered fabric)
    • use brick, stone, and terra cotta
    • use objects that are low to the ground (coffee table, ground pillows, etc) 
    • to enhance, also increase the use of Earth's parent element: fire
    Metal Element
    • use the color white
    • use circular shapes (tables, mirrors, rugs, lamps)
    • use shiny or metallic objects
    • incorporate organization systems like filing cabinets, closets and storage bins
    • to enhance, also increase the use of Metal's parent element: Earth

    Do you want a living area with balanced energies? What are your experiences with Feng Shui? How will you use Feng Shui in your home? 

    This post is written by Karel.
    Adapted from: 

    The Feng Shui Deck by Ollivia Miller
    Feng Shui History
    Feng Shui Series 
    Bagua image 
    Water Image 
    Candle Image 
    Feng Shui Cycle

    Sunday, June 2, 2013

    How to Gaze at the Sun

    In this post, I am going to teach you how to stare at the sun safely for your health and well being. Everything in the universe is created from sound and light energy, so staring at the sun is like taking in pure energy straight from the source. Many people in India have been studied who have sungazed and do not require food anymore because they are taking all of their energy in from the sun and converting it for use in the body. Just know that food should not be our only method of nutrition. The sun is one of those alternative forms. Do not be afraid of it or block yourself from it by using sunscreens. The sun itself will not cause cancer, if anything, the chemicals in the sunblocks will cause the cancers that people are so afraid of. Also, do not wear sunglasses. They filter out the important light spectrum that we need to survive and thrive optimally. Sungazing is an ancient practice, and should be practiced regularly to receie it's many benefits. Everyone has their own personal experience with it, but I urge you to try it and see how it goes. Just remember, do not hold fear in your heart for the sun keeps all life alive and thriving. Without it, we would not be here. Everything and everyone depends on everything else in the universe. Express love for the beauty of light while you stare at the sun because gratitude is important.

    Benefits from Sungazing
    -Increased energy*
    -Decreased need for food*
    -Improved eyesight*
    -Increased spiritual activation and connection with higher self*
    -Chakra activation*
    -Elevated mood*
    -Cure all diseases*
    -Ancient practice of connecting to source*
    -Best of all..... IT'S FREE! 
    (*these claims are not scientifically backed)

    You want to sungaze an hour after the sun has risen, or an hour before the sunsets. You can check your local times to see when it is safest. During this hour gap, the UV index is at 0. The sun will NOT HARM your eyes. If anything, it will improve your eyesight!

    1. Gaze only an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset
    2. Stare directly at the sun with eyes open (you can blink of course). Start with 10 seconds per day and increase your time by 10 seconds every day. If the clouds are out then repeat the time from the last sunny day that you observed. Sungaze everyday until you have reached 45 minutes, then do a 15 minute maintenance sungaze per day.
    3. When you gaze, stand on sand or dirt. This is to fully ground the bodies electromagnetic energies while taking in the suns energy. If sand isn't available, stand on these in order: bare dirt, mud, road, concrete (also try not to stand in water, or walk on grass or rocks)
    4. Go for a 45 minute walk DAILY in addition to your sungazing practice. Try to do this barefoot. If you do barefoot walking, your feet might be sore for a few weeks, but you will get used to it. "If mind accepts, body will adapt. If body adapts, mind accepts"

    -Sunrise is stronger than sunset
    -If sungaze time is too long, you can split between sunrise and sunset
    -Soften your gaze around the sun, and don't focus on one exact point

    Let me know if you have any questions about this wonderful practice :)
    Remember that you are a sovereign being of light, and are oh so powerful. Shine as bright as the sun everyday, and pave the way for love and positive change.

    This post is written by Michael.
    Adapted from: 

    HRM Phenomena
