Monday, April 29, 2013

LTL's May Workout Challenge

May Workout Challenge consists of daily simple workouts. This month is pushups, jumping jacks, and planks. There is a space on the bottom to create a monthly goal. Print this calendar out and put it up on your wall where you can see it. Create a goal and follow the workouts. Do it anytime of the day! This is created for the people who are just starting in mind. If it is to hard, simplify it. If it is too easy, challenge yourself and do more!

You can get the calendar here OR click the picture below.

Did you do April Work Out Challenge? What are your favorite workouts that you do daily? Tell us and comment below!

This post is written by Karel.
Adapted from: original post

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Benefits and Reflection: Being on a Plant-Based Diet

When I say diet, people tend to freak out. I run a fitness blog also and "diet" is such a bad word in the fit community. However, people fail to see that everybody has a diet, whether it be healthy or not, you  have a diet. Anyway, I have incorporated a plant-based diet at the end of March and have seen nothing but amazing things. This is something I am super passionate about and I love talking to people about it! Comment about your experiences, comments, concerns, or questions!

Note: I will be putting together a transitioning guide to a plant-based diet in hopes on getting my family on board. If it goes well, Michael and I will be selling the guide. This would include an ebook and possibly a workbook. It will include our research, movies to watch, recipes to try, and more. Please comment if you are interested!

What is a plant-based diet?
A plant-based diet incorporates only eating things that come from plants. This includes mostly fruit, veggies, legumes, grains, beans, seeds, etc. There are three categories: vegan (no meat, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy), lacto-vegetarian (no meat or eggs, dairy is fine), and lacto-ovo-vegetarian (no meat, but eggs and dairy is okay). I personally think vegan is plant-based because eggs and dairy do not come from a plant. However, it is better than the alternative!

  • energy (you have more energy throughout the day)
  • less breakouts (usually the month after you start you break out a ton because it is your body's way of filtering the bad stuff. Then your face is clear. I believe that breakouts are directly linked to food)
  • high in fiber (I mean, you eat basically fruits and veggies)
  • high in nutrients and vitamins
  • saving so many lives (It takes more food to feed animals. This food can go to people.)
  • lowering your carbon footprint (Global warming is real and "animal protein contributes50% more greenhouse gases" than transportation)
  • you become more compassionate (see reflection below)
  • you save money (Meat is expensive, period.)
  • lose weight (I was not trying to lose weight when I started and I lost 20lbs.)

But where do you get your protein? What if I don't get enough iron? Is this bad for my health?
This is far from bad. Before I started I had high cholesterol. When I got my blood test back recently, not only my cholesterol had decreased by a lot, but I am getting enough nutrients in every aspect.
Of course, before starting, consult your doctor. We are not nutritionists, doctors, or professionals. This is just my findings and research.

"The China Study, a 20-year comprehensive study of nutrition conducted by Cornell and Oxford Universities and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, describes how the typical standard american diet, which has become very high in animal protein and unhealthy fats and low in fiber, promotes substantially more chronic disease and obesity than a more plant-based, whole-foods diet. The study further illustrates the fact that much of the world lives on a plant-based diet, consuming only small amounts of animal protein due to cost and availability, with much less chronic disease and obesity than the United States." (source)

My Reflection
I started doing this for the health benefits. As time went by, I learned more and more about what is happening to the animals and how it contributes to destroying Mother Earth. It had turned me into a more loving and compassionate person. Sometimes it becomes difficult and I want to stop, but I think about that there is only good that comes to it. The only negative aspect of this diet is what your friends think. I have found many people very closed minded to my lifestyle change. I challenge you to educate yourself and educate others on what you have found on eating plant-based and loving the world and others around you.

What those famous vegans say!

“I’ve also been on a pretty strict plant-based diet for 4 months now – feeling stronger, fitter, healthier and more productive. I ride longer distances on my bike, can do more pull-ups than ever, and my brain seems to have a larger capacity for new projects, problem solving, songwriting, and fielding random questions. My health and strength make me a better performer and all that combined gives me more confidence to go out in the world and shine my light. It also makes me a lot better in bed. Just sayin…” (Jason Mraz, singer)

“When I was 23, 24, I used to have a really bad runny nose, mucus, tons of acne, reddishness all over. A woman on a bus I took looked at me and said I was lactose intolerant. (She said), ‘Stop dairy for three days, and all this is going to go away.’ I stopped dairy, and sure enough it was gone three days later, never to return except when I get dairy accidentally.” (Woody Harrelson, Hunger Games, actor)

Want to see more famous vegans? Check it out!

Have you tried a plant-based diet before? What were experiences? What are your concerns on starting? 

This post is written by Karel.
Adapted from: 
One Vegan Meal pic (this is not the original source, if you know where the original source is, please let me know so I can properly source them!)
Sources of Protein 
Power of Fruits and Veggies pic 
Jason Mraz quote 
Famous Vegans

Note: I will be putting together a transitioning guide to a plant-based diet in hopes on getting my family on board. If it goes well, Michael and I will be selling the guide. This would include an ebook and possibly a workbook. It will include our research, movies to watch, recipes to try, and more. Please comment if you are interested!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Benefits of Rising Early

Most people dread getting out of bed, and it can be one of the most daunting tasks of the day. Believe it or not, people tend to be more productive and have a higher sense of accomplishment and well-being when they wake up early in the morning. This is partly because you get to awaken with the sun, but also because your mind is more fresh, clean, and productive when you have an early kickstart. As I write this it is 6:48am, and I woke up at 5am. I felt ready to go and start my day. Yes, of course you have to get used to it and it isn't going to be the easiest thing to begin with, but as you get used to it, you will notice how awesome it is! What do you stay up until 2am doing anyways? Watching tv shows or stalking your friends on facebook? That's what I thought ;).

For the record, many artists, successful businessmen, and CEO's wake up early to get the day started to have an "edge" over the competition and increase their creative juices.

Benefits of waking up early

Eating healthier: Many people skip breakfast, and it is one of the most important meals of the day! Waking up earlier will insure that you have time for this precious meal and that you are nourished and can get your metabolism kickstarted. You are also less likely to eat junk food later if you eat a healthy well-balanced breakfast.

Preparing food for the day: A lot of people don't have time to prepare meals for the day, or even get done what they truly want to accomplish. Instead of feeling rushed by waking up 10 minutes before work, wake up earlier and prepare all your days meals and complete tasks. This is especially beneficial if you have kids too :). It is best to create a to do list the night before so you know exactly what you will do in the morning.

Less missed workouts: Waking up earlier allows you to do what you need to do in your day. This especially includes working out! You will have more energy and more motivation to boost your day with an awesome workout. Also, it will help in your consistency of exercising since you will have no excuses for not having enough time anymore.

Productivity: Many people who are successful in their business and life endeavors are usually early risers. You get more done in a day if you wake up earlier. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison were two famous spokesmen for rising early. Basically when you rise early you have less distractions since most people aren't awake. You are also more efficient in the morning with less brain fog. Late at night the body is trying to shut down and prepare for sleep. Staying up late is counter intuitive and actually works against your natural circadian rhythm.

Reduced Stress: You don't have to rush any more throughout the day to get done what you need to do. This way when you get home from work later in the day you can truly relax knowing you have had an awesome productive day! You don't have to rush to get up, eat, and run off to work. You have time to enjoy yourself, watch the sunrise, listen to music, workout, shower, and whatever else you choose!

Better Quality Sleep: The body works best when it has a rhythm to it. You may not go to bed at the same time every night depending on how you ate, the amount of sunlight you were exposed to, and your overall activity level, but at least having a set waking schedule will help you to have some balance in your life. Being consistent is the key. Sporadic waking and sleeping patterns can shock and disrupt the body.

Sunrise: There is something special about watching the sunrise and seeing the world awaken from the darkness. It is a wonderful time for meditation, when the yin and the yang are in perfect balance.  It is also beneficial to stare at the sun as it rises. This practice is known as sungazing and can help increase your energy levels, spiritually awaken your divine powers, and reduce your use of food. It is taking pure light energy from the source. It may sound too good to be true, but it is actually an ancient practice that is perfectly safe within an hour after the sun has risen. This is when the UV index is 0, and it can cure bad vision. Look forward to a blog about this wonderful free nutritional energy source that we can all benefit from :)

What time do you like to wake up? Answer in the comments section below :) 

This post is written by Michael.
Adapted from: 

Waking Up

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cauliflower Crust Garlic Breadsticks

I found this recipe on Tumblr and decided to try it since I have never had cauliflower. I love trying new things and this recipe was yummy!!!

  • 1/4 of a large head of cauliflower
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated or minced
  • 1 Tablespoon ground flax seed + 3 Tablespoon water (OR 1 egg, lightly beaten for non-vegans)
  • 4 oz your choice of soy cheese, divided (or mozzarella cheese, grated for non-vegans)
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried Italian herb seasoning, divided
  • 1 pinch each salt and pepper
  • cooking spray (I just used oil on a paper towel)
  • marinara sauce for serving (for a healthy option, check and make sure there is no added sugar!)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a 9 by 5-in loaf pan with parchment paper so that the excess paper hangs over the sides; lightly spray or oil the parchment paper with cooking spray.
  2. If you are going to use flax seed + water instead of an egg, put together the two in a small cup. Let it sit until needed, mixing occasionally. It will turn into an "eggy" substance. (See first top pic)
  3. To "rice" the cauliflower, grate it on a cheese grater. I put it in my food processor using the grating part. You should have about 1 1/2 cups (lightly packed) of riced cauliflower. Put the riced cauliflower into a microwave safe bowl and microwaved (uncovered) until softened, about 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally (do NOT add water or anything else); cool slightly. (See second top pic)
  4. While cauliflower cooks, heat the oil in a small skillet over low heat; add the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds to 1 minute, stirring constantly; cool slightly. 
  5. To the bowl with the softened cauliflower, add the garlic, flax seed mixture (or egg), 3/4 of the cheese (reserving 1/4 for topping later), 1/4 teaspoon of the dried Italian herb seasoning (reserving 1/4 teaspoon for topping later), and a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir to combine and spread into prepared loaf pan. Please Note: I am a poor college student and do not own such pan. I used a circle glass pan. I don't think it worked very well but it's up to you. Use what you have.
  6. Bake until the loaf is set and starting to turn golden, about 20 to 30 minutes. Line a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper; use the parchment paper to life the loaf out of the loaf pan and carefully flip it over onto the lined baking sheet (so the bottom is on top). Bake until golden, about 10 minutes. (NOTE: I took mine out earlier because it was 8PM and was extremely hungry. Make sure its golden, or it will be somewhat soggy like mine) (See last top pic)
  7. Sprinkle the cheese on top along with the remaineing 1/4 teaspoon dried Italian herb seasoning. Put into oven until cheese has melted and golden in spots. Serve hot or warm. 

Have you tried this recipe? Let us know what you think of it! What did you change or add? 

This post is written by Karel.
Adapted from: 

This recipe is not mine, I cannot find the original. If you know where the original recipe is please let us know! I have it on an old recipe card. 
All pics are originally mine. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Honey & Cinammon: Nature's Miracle

Honey is one of those foods that won't spoil, and it is a completely natural source of energy from our buzzing friends. Cinnamon is also a wonderfully natural spice that warms the body and can protect from disease and stress. Combined, these two powerhouses can help us in many ways to heal the body and prevent illness. This is something that the drug companies don't want you to know, shhh! Use these remedies and see how they work for you. They are all pretty simple and just use cinnamon and honey in different combinations.

Heart Disease
Directions: Make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey, apply it to bread instead of jelly or jam. Eat this regularly for breakfast
Benefits: Relives loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. As you age, your arteries lose flexibility and get clogged. Cinnamon and honey combined revitalize your arteries and veins.

Directions: Use one cup of hot water with 2 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon, twice daily.
Benefits: When taken regularly, chronic arthritis can be cured. A study at Copenhagen University suggested that the mixture relieved 73/200 patients of their pain within the first month.

Bladder Infections
Directions: Take 2 tbsp of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it
Benefits: Destroys the germs in your bladder

Directions: Take 2 tbsp honey and 3 tsp cinnamon mixed in 16 ounces of tea water
Benefits: Taken as advised in a study it reduced cholesterol by 10% within two hours. When done three times a day, chronic cholesterol is cured.

Directions: Take 1 tbsp lukewarm honey with 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder daily for three days
Benefits: Clears most chronic cough, colds, and even clears the sinuses. I have actually tried this one and it cleared my cold within 3 days!

Directions: Sprinkle cinnamon powder on 2 tbsp of honey and take before a meal
Benefits: Relieves any acidity and helps you to digest heavy meals

Directions: Make a tea with 4 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon with 3 cups of water and boil to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day.
Benefits: Keeps the skin fresh, soft, and even arrests old age. Life span has the possibility to increase and you will also feel more energized!

Directions: Use 3 tbsp of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon to make a paste. Apply to pimples before sleeping and wash off the next morning with warm water
Benefits: Removes all pimples from the root when done daily for 2 weeks.

Skin Infections
Directions: Apply honey and cinnamon in equal parts to affected areas
Benefits: Can cure eczema, ringworm, and other types of skin infections

Directions: Take 1 tbsp honey with 1 tsp of cinnamon 3 times a day for 1 month
Benefits: Bone and stomach cancer have been cured successfully in Japan and Australia with this method

Bad Breath
Directions: Gargle 1 tsp of honey and cinnamon mixed in hot water first thing in the morning
Benefits: Breath stays fresh throughout the day

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the benefits of honey and cinnamon, but it just shows you how powerful the combination can be! Nature is life's best cure for all illnesses and diseases. Trust in it!

Who is the bees favorite singer?

A: Sting!!! 

This post is written by Michael .
Adapted from: 

David Bickel
