Saturday, September 1, 2012

12 Steps to Acquire Wealth & Manifest Money

Money is a tool in life that we all strive to acquire. It progresses our life and makes us feel stable & at ease. Many people don't realize that changing our mindsets and focusing on changing the way we perceive money can help us to acquire wealth. Try some of these tips and they may help you acquire the dough that you have been desiring for a long time. I have personally tried all the steps and they have helped to set my life up in a place where I am coming upon more opportunities, and more money than I have ever had before. What have you got to lose? :)

1. Focus on gratitude & appreciation
  • Focus on the things that money helps you get
  • Hold money in your hands, appreciate it, and love it!
 2. Visualize what you want: ELABORATE
  • Wanting money isn't a bad thing. Close your eyes and visualize exactly what you want. Elaborate on it and experience what the things you desire will feel like
  • Think about what you want to do with the money and elaborate on WHY in your mind 
3. Replace limiting & mixed beliefs about money
  • Loving money is not greed, money is just a tool to help us get what we want
4. If you spend money, line up fully with your decision to do so
  • Don't spend money that you don't feel good about spending
  • Don't have buyers remorse or guilt. 
5. Avoid DEBT whenever possible
  • If you have debt, try to find ways to eliminate it
  • Try not to walk into debt because it makes you focus on "lack"
6. Follow the white rabbit!
  • Take ideas that pop into your head and go with them
  • Try not to act from a space of need, and instead take actions that feel good to take 
7. Re-frame your life from one of earning, to one of DESERVING
  • Many people don't believe that they deserve stuff (the nothing comes easy mentality)
  • Remove negative thoughts, because we truly deserve everything. Feel as if you can have it all!
8. Take any steps that will allow you to release resistance 
  • Releasing resistance may look like cutting unnecessary expenses, creating a budget, or starting a savings account
9. When manifesting abundance, take note of any form that it can take
  • Try not to take inventory and believe in the "i'm not there yet" mentality (this is a limiting mindset)
  • Wealth comes in many shapes and forms. Allow it all to flow into your life, and take note of any different ways in which it manifests
10. Trust in the universe & yourself
  • Try this visualization: lay down, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. Now visualize yourself as if you are a magnet for money. Every time you inhale, see the money flowing to you and sticking to your skin. After you collect it in your mind, continue to experience it and imagine what you will do with the money you have now magnetically attracted. 
11. When you get paid, reserve a bill, & spend it mentally
  • When you walk around anywhere, see yourself mentally spending money on things you enjoy. You don't want to see money as a resource that becomes spent and then magically disappears. By mentally spending, you can have an unlimited reserve and it will feel good to be able to have those things you never thought you could have
12. Shift all your attitudes towards security & safety
  • Try not to focus on the disaster because then you will attract what you feel insecure about
  • Instead of focusing on the money you need, try to focus on security and what it will feel like to be secure
  • Take actions that you are inspired to take
  • Don't face reality, CREATE IT!
  • Focus on the things that make you feel abundant as a person
I hope you enjoyed these 12 steps to helping you acquire wealth. In the end, a lot of the things we want and get in life have to do with our mindset about them. If you set yourself up to acquire wealth mentally, then it will manifest physically. Now don't go too crazy :) 

This post is written by Michael.
Adapted from:
How to Manifest Money
Kid Money Image

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