Saturday, November 3, 2012

10 Good Reasons to Avoid Dairy

Many people feel that they need dairy in their diets in order to have adequate amounts of calcium and protein. This is just not true, but the media displays milk and cheese as helping us build strong bones and teeth, when in reality they acidify and weaken our bones. In order to progress as a society and become more aware of our impact on ourselves and the environment, sometimes we need to unlearn what we have been taught. By challenging our current views of what we should and shouldn't eat, we become more mindful of what we are consuming and why. Below are ten justifications for removing dairy products from your diet. 

1. Cow's Milk is Meant for Baby Cows
Currently, we are the only species that drinks milk after infancy. We are also drinking the milk of another animal that doesn't belong to us. Let's save it for the calfs. 

2. Hormones
Cows are given steroids and other hormones in order to increase their milk production. This intake of foreign hormones can disrupt the functioning of our own hormonal system, and produce negative effects in our bodies. 

3. Cows Consume Harmful Foods
Feed for cows includes genetically modified corn & soy, animal products, cottonseed, chicken manure, pesticides, and antibiotics. When we consume dairy we are ingesting all of these nasty things. 

4. Dairy Products are Acid Forming in the Body
Our bodies function best at a neutral pH of about 7.3. When we consume dairy products (which are acid forming), our bodies have to take from our bones in order to balance the reduction in pH. The dairy causes calcium to diffuse from our bones, thus making them weaker over time. Do not listen to media's lies of building strong bones and teeth, because they don't care about your health, only $.

5. Increase in Osteoporosis
Research has found that the countries that consume the most dairy products have higher incidences of osteoporosis. We are setting ourselves up for brittle bones in the future if we don't change our habits. 

6. Dairy Cow Conditions
Most cows that produce dairy are confined in close quarters where they are treated inhumanly and are never able to see green pastures or the light of day.

7. Most Dairy is Pasteurized
Pasteurization is used to kill potentially harmful bacteria. However, in the process it kills necessary vitamins, proteins, and enzymes. We need enzymes in order to help us digest our foods. Since they are depleted, our bodies have to work harder in order to assimilate and break the dairy down.  

8. Dairy is Mucous Forming
Since dairy produces mucous it can lead to respiratory disruption in the lungs. Many seasonal allergies can also be a cause of dairy and most people don't know this because they have never removed it from their diets. If you have allergies, try removing dairy from your diet temporarily to see if you observe any relief. 

9. Dairy Consumption is Linked to Arthritis
In a study involving rabbits, scientists were able to produce inflamed joints in animals by switching their water to milk. In other studies, scientists have found more than a 50% reduction in pain and swelling of arthritis when people eliminated milk and dairy products from their diet.

10. Most Dairy is Homogenized
When milk is homogenized, the natural proteins are denatured and made harder for our bodies to digest. We see these proteins as foreign invaders and our white blood cells attack our own body as if it was an infection. Research has also linked homogenized milk to heart disease.

Final note: If dairy has been a big aspect of your life and diet, try to challenge yourself by removing it temporarily. Pay attention and notice any changes that occur in your life, and whether it is truly something you need in your diet. It is very easy to habitually use dairy with breakfast cereals, smoothies for lunch, and ice cream after dinner. I encourage you to try new things, and question your current eating practices to better your own health and well being of the environment. Stay tuned for future nut milk recipes, which are more satisfying and nutritious!

This post is written by Michael
Adapted from: 

The Sunflower Center in Petaluma California

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