Friday, November 30, 2012

Fluoride: Poisoning your water silently

Fluoride is used in toothpaste to combat our cavities, but more recently it has been added into our water supply without question. Why you may ask? Well, the CDC (center for disease control and prevention) claims that it is one of the "ten best health achievements of the 20th century" by adding this unnecessary chemical into the water supply in order to protect us from getting cavities. It is actually a by-product of industrial runoff from aluminum factories, but instead of disposing of it, it get put into the water supply. It is normally used as an insecticide and rat killer, and this is being put into OUR WATER! what!?

Unfortunately, most people don't even know that it is in most city tap water, and it can cause a whole multitude of negative issues.

-Causes skeletal system to rapidly deteriorate, which increases weakness in joints and bones
-It is a Neurotoxin that affects cerebral functioning
-Studies have showed that it lowers IQ of populations
-Makes people docile (not caring mentality)
-Increases cancer and tumor growth
-Interrupts DNA-repair activity
-Calcifies the pineal gland (our third eye of knowledge and all knowing power)
-Causes genetic damage
-Associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia
-Lowers the activity of the thyroid gland
-Can cause insomnia because it lowers melatonin release while you sleep
-Causes white spots on teeth called dental fluorosis
-Damages natural enzymes in the body
-Can lead to hives and eczema
-Breaks down collagen and causes wrinkling of the skin
-Weakens the muscles and tendons of the body

Basically, sodium fluoride in our water supplies is killing us, and no one seems to care about it..... No one wants to drink poison, and since we are made up of about 70% water, it is important to have a clean source. is a great website for finding a local spring to get the cleanest water possible, because the city's tap water is definitely not the best source to support our health and well-being.

Tips to avoid fluoride:
-Buy toothpaste without fluoride (Toms of maine sells this, and other natural suppliers do as well)
-Avoid canned foods because fluoride is used as a preservative
-Check your medications and vitamins, some may contain fluoride
-Avoid chewing tobacco
*Invest in a water filter that can filter the fluoride and other heavy metals. This includes reverse osmosis, activated alumina defluoridation filter, and a distillation filtration. Your brita will NOT protect you.
-Talk to your city water supplier about your concerns and raise awareness with friends and family

This post is written by Michael
Adapted from: 

history of water
avoid fluoride

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