Thursday, February 28, 2013

LTL's March Workout Challenge

 Hello Lovely LTLers!

We have a bunch of new things coming up that will slowly be being it's debut! We will now be having monthly workout challenges and weekly health goals. We hope you take this journey with us on the road to becoming healthier and having more energy.

March Workout Challenge consists of daily simple workouts. This month is pushups, crunches, and planks. There is a space on the bottom to create a monthly goal. Print this calendar out and put it up on your wall where you can see it. Create a goal and follow the workouts. Do it anytime of the day! This is created for the people who are just starting in mind. If it is to hard, simplify it. If it is too easy, challenge yourself and do more!

You can get the calendar here OR click the picture below.

Let us know how this calendar is working out for you! What are your favorite workouts? What do you want to see for next month?

This post is written by Karel.
Adapted from: original post!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Getting Rid of Cankersores

So I have had a canker sore for a few days now and I knew there had to be a way to get rid of them! Canker sores are this small ulcers in the inside of your mouth and you notice all the time, especially when eating and drinking. It is most common between the ages of 10 to 20 years old. They are pretty common, can happen multiple times in a year, and lasts for about a week.

Just to be Clear
Canker sores and cold sores are not the same thing. Cold sores are caused by a virus and are extremely contagious. They are usually located on the outside of the mouth.

Causes of Canker Sores
There is no known direct cause of canker sores but the following may influence getting one:
  • stress or tissue injury
  • acidic foods (like citrus, strawberries, and tomatoes) 
  • sharp tooth surface or dental appliance (like braces or dentures)
Home Remedies for Getting Rid of them
Please note: I only tried #1
  1. Salt: wash your hands, wet the tip of your finger, sprinkle salt on it, place on sore (I did this and it hurts! I let it do its thing and I would gargle with water and do it again. I did this twice a day for four days and it's gone!) 
  2. Baking Soda: Make a paste with baking soda and water and put directly on sore. Rinse mouth with finished
  3. Honey: Dab honey on the spot to help soothe the pain
  4. Vodka, Rum, or Wiskey: Dab directly onto sore using a q-tip (this one is probably painful)
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Dab directly onto sore using a q-tip (this is also painful)
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide: Mix 1 part peroxide, 1 part water. Swish in mouth. (this is also painful)
We hope this helps! If it doesn't go away after a week, definitely talk to a doctor!

Disclaimer: We are not doctors. This information is just for informational use only. It is NOT intended to provide medical advise. We are not responsible for any possible consequenses from anything stated above. Thank you.

This post is written by NAME.
Adapted from: 

Honey Image

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Banana Nut Love Pancakes

Today I am sharing an awesome recipe for banana nut pancakes. They are simply delicious and can even be made vegan. Karel and I have made these many times and just love them! It is an easy recipe to follow, and we hope you will enjoy them! <3

-1 Cup flour (you can use wheat, all purpose, or whatever you choose)
-1 tbsp sugar (you can use white sugar, but I recommend coconut sugar or agave)
-2 tsp baking powder
-1/4 tsp salt
-1 egg, beaten (you can substitute for 1 tbsp flaxseed + 1 tbsp water)
-1 cup milk (you can substitute for almond milk or whatever you choose)
-2 tbsps  vegetable oil
-2 ripe bananas
-1 cup chopped walnuts (or any other nut)

picture shows all ingredients except the sugar and milk 

-Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl mix egg, milk, vegetable oil, and banana (you want to mash the banana with a fork thoroughly)
-Stir the flour mixture into the banana mix, it should be a bit lumpy
-Heat a nonstick pan on medium heat with oil. Scoop the mixture with a big spoon and try to use about 1/4 cup for each pancake. Wait for the outer edges to start to bubble before flippingCook them until golden brown on both sides
-Enjoy & top with whatever you would like! ENJOY!

This post is written by Michael.
Adapted from: 

own images 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Product Review: Diva Cup + Giveaway!

Before you keep reading, this post is geared towards the ladies (sorry guys!). Second, we are not sponsored or paid to publicize this product.

The product that I am reviewing is called the Diva Cup. It is a sustainable menstrual cup that you insert and clean and whatnot. There are other cups just like this like: the Moon Cup and the Keeper. I have linked them all so you can compare. This review is solely on the Diva Cup because I haven't tried the others.

Why I love the Diva Cup
  • It is only $40 ($30 on amazon!). If you think about it, you will save money. According to their website, you save about $100-150 per year!
  • You can keep it in for 12 hours. I hate having to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours especially when I have class that long. This is the best solution.
  • I hate the bulkyness of pads, and tampons freak me out.
  • You don't feel it (for the most part). It definitely gets some getting used to in the beginning. 
  • It is so easy to do normal things. I used to avoid working out and doing yoga because I hate worrying about it. Now, I don't even think about what to do.
Here is a video explaining menstrual cups. She doesn't talk about the DivaCup because it is newer but you should still watch it!

Diva Cup Giveaway!

 What you get: one Diva Cup (size 1)

Who can enter: US residents only!

What you need to do:
  • You must email your name.
  • You must be liking our Facebook page.
  • +2 entry: advertising LTL on Facebook (send screenshot to email above)
  • +1 entry: advertising LTL on Tumblr/Twitter (only one, if you do both, it counts as one entry. send screenshot)
  • +1 entry: doing the survey from a couple weeks ago (leave your name in one of the comment boxes so we know you did it!)
  • +1 entry: commenting on this post on why you want the Diva cup
How we will choose:
We will take all your entries, write them on a piece of paper, put in hat, and pick. We will make a video so you can all see. We will also email you that you have won so we can get your shipping information.

Enter by Valentines Day at 9pm PST. We will announce the winner on Friday or Saturday!

Good luck!! :)

This post is written by Karel.
Adapted from: 

Diva Cup 
 Diva Cup Logo Image
Diva Cup Image

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Eating for pH Balance

Our bodies are most happy at a pH level of about 7.2-7.4. The pH scale ranges from 0-14, where 0 is the most acidic, and 14 is the most alkaline. When there is too much acidity, the body has to rely on it's own precious reserves in order to balance and be within the optimal range, thus aging our bodies faster and robbing us of energy. The more alkaline foods that we consume, the better our bodies are able to fight disease and also stay strong and recover. Naturally, the body constantly wants to heal itself and become perfect, but if we continually stress it out, it loses it's ability to fight. We thrive when we are more alkaline, but unfortunately a lot of standard diets have many acidic foods that promote and harbor illness. Read below about foods that contribute to alkalinity and acidity.

pH of foods (in order of most alkaline to most acidic) 
Most alkaline:
baking soda, lime, nectarine, persimmon, raspberry watermelon, tangerine, lentils, yams, onion, daikon, taro root, sea vegetables, burdock, sweet potato, pumpkin seeds

More alkaline: spices, cinnamon  grapefruit, cantaloupe, honeydew, citrus, mango, dewberry, loganberry, kohlrabi, parsnip, garlic, kale, parsley, endive, mustard green, ginger root, brocoli, poppy seed, molasses

Low alkaline: herbs (most), lemon, pear, apple, avocado, blackberry, cherry, peach, papaya, eggplant, potato, bell pepper, mushroom, cauliflower, pumpkin, collard-greens, primrose oil, sesame seed, cod liver oil, almonds, sprouts, quail eggs, green or mu tea, rice syrup, apple cider

Lowest alkaline: orange, apricot, banana, blueberry, pineapple, raisin, currant, grape, strawberry, brussel sprouts, beet, chive, okra, turnip greens, squash, lettuces, avocado oil, seeds (most), coconut oil, olive oil, linseed oil, oats, quinoa, wild rice, duck eggs, ginger tea

Lowest acid: curry, guava, dry fruit, figs, dates persimmon juice, spinach, fava beans, kidney beans, string beans, chutney, rhubarb, pumpkin seed oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, pine nuts, canola oil, millet, kasha, amaranth, brown rice, wild duck, venison, fish, chicken eggs, cream, yogurt, kona, honey, maple syrup, rice vinegar

Low acid: vanilla, plum, prune, tomato, tofu, pinto beans, white beans, navy beans, adzuki beans, lima beans, chard, almond oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, buckwheat, spelt, wheat, semolina, goose/turkey, lamb/mutton, elk, shellfish, cow and goat milk, aged cheese, soy cheese, black tea, balsamic vinegar.

More acid: nutmeg, cranberry, pomegranite, green peas, peanut, snowpea, legumes, carrots, chickpea, pistachio, pecans, corn rye, oat bran, chicken, pork/veal, muscles/squid, casein, coffee, saccharin

Most acidic: pudding, jam jelly, soybean, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, barley, pheasant, beef, lobster, processed cheese, ice cream, beer, sugar, cocoa, white vinegar

--> This image sums up what I wrote pretty well, of course it doesn't include all foods, but it gives you an idea. Basically the more natural foods are within the mildly acidic to highly alkaline range, and this is exactly what the body needs. Where as the most acidic foods are the processed sugars, flours, alcohol, dairy/meat products, etc. Yes there are acidic natural foods as well, but these are what offer a "balance" for the highly alkaline foods, so that the body can meet in the middle at the optimal pH of 7. Just know that it isn't bad to eat acidic foods, but it is good to have a balance!

Hopefully this guide can help you incorporate more fresh and disease fighting alkaline foods into your diet, and I have included some basic guidelines for eating below that will help on your journey to new and thriving health! :)

Basic eating guidelines to maintain health & vital energy :

  • Enjoy food in a relaxed atmosphere (not in front of a TV watching CSI)
  • Be thankful for your food before every meal, eat purposefully
  • Eat portions of food that won't overtax the system
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber
  • Eat seasonally, and organically grown, and hand pick your food if possible
  • Chew food well
  • Do not skip meals
  • Choose the most fresh food as possible
  • Stay hydrated, and try not to drink 20 minutes before or 20 minutes after a meal (because the water dilutes digestive acids making it harder to break down the nutrients) 

If you are curious what your current pH level is in your body, and want to see if you are within the optimal range, you can buy pH strips and test easily using the saliva from your mouth.

This post is written by Michael 
Adapted from: 
The pH Balance Diet Book
Image 2
